Public Notice & Consent

Filming is being done here.  By your presence, you consent to be taped and otherwise recorded and agree that Friends of Hart Park and Museum, a non-profit corporation (“Friends”) may use, and grant others the right to use, your voice, name, and filmed and/or recorded likeness, without limitation or restriction, and without payment to you of any kind, for all purposes, in and in connection with this television production or any other production (including, without limitation, the advertising and promotion thereof), throughout the universe, in perpetuity, in any and all languages, formats, manner, media, devices, processes and technologies, now known and later devised.

Friends is proceeding in reliance upon this notice and your consent in connection with it event/production activities here.  If you do not wish to give such consent, do not enter this area.  If you do come into range of the camera or the sound recording equipment, you will be deemed to have consented to this notice and waived any and all claims you may have.
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  • Notice & Consent
  • Site Usage Agreement
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